Friday, October 9, 2009

People just don't get it!

I'm a PE teacher. That does not mean I'm a dumb jock that rolls the balls out every day while reading the sports page. I feel that I have to fight and fight to explain to people the validity of our PE program at school. It's so frustrating! Our program is a comprehensive program geared toward the indivivdual student and incorporates academic content, fitness related activities and motor skills.

Last week we had sad news that a 19 year old girl, who had graduated from my school the year before, had passed away. She basically died of obesity. Heart attack. And while this is so very sad, it is also very maddening that she never had to take a single class in PE during her 4 yrs. in high school. She got waivers for this or that.

Now, our drama teacher is asking our principal for waivers for kids who are in musicals because they do a lot off dancing in her program. Seriously!?!? It's not just about dancing and losing weight. While we want weight loss to be a result of hard work if that is what that particular student needs to be healthy, we also want to teach WHY it is important to exercise. And more importantly why it is important to make that committment when you don't have a dance troupe supporting you. How about when you're 36 with two kids, a job and you're dead dog tired? Unless you have that academic foundation as to why it's important to your overall wellness and health, you won't fit it in. It's why I don't think athletes should get waivers either, which they currently do. When I was coaching volleyball I didn't teach the academic content in practice that I teach in my classes.


Vent over.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Football Widow.... once again....

I seriously am okay with being the football widow but every now and then it just makes me melancholy. Here's to a great husband, here's to a great life and here's to the trip to the beach that we are going to take when this season is over!!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


The days are long and the years fly by....................

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Leaving on a jet plane....

Well, we leave Thursday for Vegas and I have to say the panic has been less and less as the day apporaches. (For those of you who don't know, I have developed a fear of flying since Allie was born....) I think it has something to do with the fact that as the day (d-day) draws closer, I have been living more and more like it's my last day. Don't get me wrong, I haven't gone out and done anything stupid, but I have just truly been doing the things I want to do and savoring every moment. I am at such peace right now, it's bliss.

IF I survive this trip, and I'm sure I will, sort of sure...., I am going to try and take the things I have experienced in the last few days and apply them for always. It's crazy, this stupid fear of flying may have actually brought me something that I desperately needed, clarity and appreciation for where I'm at right now. This moment. Beautiful.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I'm baaaaaack!

Wow, been a LONG while since I've blogged. Hope you all are doing fantastic! I've been so busy with Allie and Josh that I can hardly believe the end of July is approaching. Didn't we just start getting used to writing 2009 on our checks? Anyway, I will do my best to blog more and post pics of the kiddos. Most of you follow me on fb anyway....

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ringing in the New Year

Happy New Year, everyone! (Okay, I'm 13 days late....)

Josh is 8 months today.
Allie is getting so big I almost can't believe it.
Cale and I are at an all time happy high for our marriage.
Work is great.
I'm exercising more.
I am blessed with the best friends.

Yes, a very Happy Year indeed.....

Thursday, December 18, 2008